Spiderman 3 The Game
Ok, so I have been playing Spiderman 3 the game recently on the x-box 360. At first look the graphics look better, NY City has been scaled up and the swinging looks faster. The new swinging system takes a little bit to get used to, when you release the swing button you let go of the web (which is a bit different to Spiderman 2). When you play the game a little longer you realise the graphics on a lot of the characters (apart from our hero) seems a little flat and rushed, then there's the god awful camera that is always in the wrong place at the wrong time even worse though it doesn't seem to work that well in the first place. At this point I felt like putting the game down in disgust never to play it again. Something inside me told me not to (possibly my inner-spider?) and I continued to play it. After about 2 hours of playtime I can admit it does become fun to play, it has it's quirks that I like, the missions are challenging (something not usually seen in Marvel games), this means the game is not a button mashing game, instead it requires a bit of strategy to complete the missions. There are plenty of side missions to do and challenges to complete such as collect tokens. Oh and one more thing, remember in Spiderman 2 there was an annoying side challenge? You remember it, its coming back to you. If not here's a reminder "I LOST MY BALLOON". Yes that’s the one, well good news it's not in this game :-D.
All in all it's a good game if you can bare to get past the first couple of hours of torture, but then you'll learn to appreciate it. There’s no denying though that this game has a rushed feeling to it, to get it out in time with the movie. I'm happy I can web-sling again now, but I could have waited a couple more months for this game to come out to be perfect.
I'll try to get an in game picture up later on, and I haven't forgotten about the XDA Orbit, that’s slowly being tested and a report will be up soon enough.